South Florida's Premier European Auto Repair, Performance & Race Facility Since 1978
Foreign Affirs Motorsport
Foreign Affairs Motorsport
(954) 746-0488 Mon-Fri 8am - 5:30pm

Kids Racing for Life Charity Event Sept 7-9

PBOC invites you to the Races and Drivers Education event at historic Sebring International Raceway. This is also a Charity event for Kids Racing for Life. We will be giving the kids, many of whom have been ill with cancer, and their siblings and family members rides on the track in race cars and street cars.

We have set aside time Saturday and Sunday from 11:00 to noon for these rides. If you want to give rides in your high performance street car, or your race car with passenger seat, we will have a sign up sheet at the event.

PRIVATE TEST DAY AND INSTRUCTOR SCHOOL: On Friday we have planned a private test day for Qualified Solo, Super Solo drivers and Racers who want additional track time. We will only accept 20 cars for this Open Test day. The cost is $500 for the day.

In addition, we will offer our PBOC Instructor training for those who wish to become certified PBOC Instructors. Minimum requirement is Solo qualification. Space is limited to ten and cost is $100 for the course.

DRIVERS EDUCATION VENUES: Drivers Education for Novice, Intermediate and Advanced Students on Saturday and Sunday is available for $395. One day entry fee is $275. Instructor entry for Sat/Sun is $50. Solo Entry fee for Sat/Sun is $395.

A one day entry is $275. The PBOC Super Solo run group is available at this event on Sat-Sun. Super Solo drivers please register as Instructors or Solo as appropriate. Convertibles: BMW Z3 with fixed rollover protection, the Z4, Porsche Boxster and the Mini Cooper are ok. ALL OTHERS must call for approval.

RACING VENUES: PBOC Points Races: On Saturday and Sunday there will be two 20-minute Sprint Races with 25-minute qualifying session each day. A one-day Race entry for Saturday or Sunday is $300. A Sat/Sun Race package is $475.

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