Signs Your McLaren Needs Immediate Repair
McLaren is famous for being the manufacturer that did everything backward. While most manufacturers start by producing road cars and then develop a racing team, McLaren started out a Formula One team, who then took their automotive knowledge and applied it to building superior road cars.
It’s this Motorsport legacy that is hardwired into the DNA of every model McLaren produces that makes these vehicles so desirable. It’s this same DNA that makes owning a McLaren so challenging, as it can be challenging to differentiate between actual issues and race car quirks. Fear not, these are the telltale signs your McLaren Needs Immediate Repair.
Warning Lights
Warning lights’ sole purpose is to inform you that something isn’t quite right. When your car’s computer receives a signal from a sensor that is outside of a predetermined range, a warning light is triggered. Some warning lights can be turned off by simply topping up tire pressures or changing a bulb, others need more diagnostics.
We recommend going through your McLaren’s owner’s manual and familiarizing yourself with the various warning symbols and what they mean.
Limp Home Mode
When a sensor in the engine or transmission is triggered, and logs a fault, your McLaren may go into limp home mode. In limp home mode, the car’s performance is greatly decreased, maximum RPM and top speed are also limited.
This happens because your McLaren knows something is seriously wrong, and instead of leaving you stranded on the side of the road, or putting the drivetrain under additional strain that could cause catastrophic failure, it limits itself to a safe level allowing you to get the car back home or to the nearest repair center.
Exhaust Smoke
While exhaust smoke is expected, the color and amount can be a signal that something is wrong. Excessive amounts of black smoke is most often associated with your engine running rich. While this may be something as minor as a mass airflow sensor reading incorrectly, it can be as serious as a malfunctioning injector dumping fuel into the engine. If left unattended, damaged injectors can cause cylinders to hydrolock.
White smoke is a sign that liquid is being burnt off. While it’s fairly common in cars that have been sitting around for awhile, if it doesn’t clear up after a few minutes, there may be a head gasket leak, and coolant is leaking into the engine and being combusted. Similarly, leaking head gaskets can lead to hydro-locked engines and pitting to the cylinder walls.
Finally, blue smoke is a sign that oil is being burnt up. Overfilling can cause oil to find its way into the combustion chamber, but it is more likely that the piston rings are worn and are not sealing against oil correctly.
Either way, having a registered McLaren repair Technician diagnose your car is the only way to truly know what’s happening.
Hesitation Under Acceleration
Putting your foot flat in your McLaren (on a race track of course) should immediately pin you to the seat as your car accelerates into lightspeed. If your McLaren is hesitating to accelerate, over-revving before gearing up, or taking a millennia to downshift, this is usually an early sign something is wrong, or is about to go wrong, but still falls under the “normal operating range” and has triggered a warning light.
Hesitation when accelerating can be caused by many things. Worn wastegates, old clutches, dirty transmission fluid, and worn oil are just some of the things your technician will investigate while diagnosing your car.
Fluid Leaks
Go to any race track and there is one golden rule: race cars should never leak. This is especially true for McLarens, as they manage to extract every ounce of performance by taking full advantage of every component, absolutely pushing the car to its limit.
.The downside of McLarens being so high-strung? The smallest leak can lead to catastrophic damage if left unattended. While the coolant expansion tank will allow some fluid to escape, especially after a spirited drive, leaking oil or hydraulic fluids should be investigated immediately

Common McLaren issues
If you’re thinking of investing in a Mclaren, or already took the plunge, here are some of the most common issues we see with Mclarens:
Engine Faults
Being so high-strung, McLaren engines are prone to engine issues, and we often see the camshaft sensor failing, which leads to a struggle starting or sporadically going into limp home mode, or causing the car to misfire regardless of whether the car is idling or being driven.
Transmission Faults
All modern McLarens are fitted with Dual-clutch automatic transmission, but just like every dual-clutch transmission they are prone to mechatronic unit and valve body issues. As transmission fluid ages and becomes dirty, dirt begins to clog valve bodies lead to a number of issues such as missed shifts or gears becoming completely unavailable.
McLaren Specialist in Pompano Beach
Foreign Affairs Motorwerks are experienced in all facets of McLaren repairs and servicing. As South Florida’s premier European auto repair and performance facility, Foreign Affairs Motorwerks boasts a state-of-the-art workshop. Our team of certified technicians treat every McLaren they work on individually, and we offer comprehensive scheduled maintenance plans for McLaren’s.
With well over 40 years of service to South Florida, our experience is what gives us confidence in every supercar we service. Call us at 954-746-0488 or request an appointment online to treat your McLaren to the service it deserves.